
Monday, April 12, 2010

Lunch Date

March 10, 2010
Husband has been back at work for a few weeks and has been begging me to bring Baby by. Today Baby and I went to meet him for lunch. He works about forty-five minutes away from our home, so it's a little bit of a drive. Baby fell asleep in her carseat on the way there, and stayed asleep while I carried her in.

Husband showed Baby off to a few people, and then she woke up crying. I nursed her for a little bit, but then we had to go eat ourselves sine this was Husband's lunch time.

We went to a fifties diner nearby and I carried Baby in the Moby Wrap. I hadn't really used it before, but figured I should start. It's a lot easier than carrying a carseat around. I don't have the muscles for that! With some difficulty, I wrapped the Moby on and stuck Baby in the breastfeeding position. She latched on and I ended up feeding her throughout or lunch. We even walked around afterward and she remained latched. The Moby was great because I didn't have to worry about putting a blanket over her/me (it has enough fabric for that), and it was easy to carry her in. I don't like the amount of fabric it does have, and it feels bulky to me, but it worked.

I said goodbye to Husband at work and Baby and I drove home. Baby decided to scream for the first and last twenty minutes or so, but once I got home I stuck her back on and she was fine.

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