
Monday, February 1, 2010

The Countdown Begins

February 1, 2010
The countdown has begun. Only thirteen more days until my due date! Granted, I think that I will be later than that, but I could be totally wrong. I don't believe I have really felt any contractions and the baby still seems really high to me.

I've been tired lately, but I think that may be due in part to my super busy schedule of working all day and doing meetings in the afternoons, then appointments at night as well as working Saturdays to make sure I finish a few things up for work before I leave. Plus, I have started to get up a little more frequently throughout the night to use the restroom, then I have a hard time getting comfortable to get back to sleep.

I've also been taking extra pills. I take my regular prenatal vitamin pill, my DHA prenatal pill, an extra iron pill, and a vitamin C pill. The childbirth teacher told us that vitamin C helps the skin stretch. This is good for a growing belly and so I don't tear down there during birth. I'm definitely taking that one! The iron one was because I am slightly anemic, so this should balance me out. It upsets my digestion, but not as bad as I thought it would. I'm not as constipated as some people and seem to be on a regular schedule, although when my body telle me I gotta go, that means I gotta go now.

I am able to wear a bra again. That has been nice. It's been a pain hiding under multiple layers of clothing and scarves. My ribs only hurt now if I am sitting too long. Standing and walking around help.

Only a couple more weeks to go and I will be a mommy!

The Last Childbirth Class

January 28, 2010
This was the last childbirth class. We reviewed the stages of labor, when to go to the hospital, and discussed newborn care. We also watched a video about the tests that they give to the newborns right after birth. Many of the items they do are state mandated, such as administering a vitamin K shot and taking a small sample of blood to test for genetic diseases. I didn't realize they did that. They also put ointment on the baby's eyes.

The doula also passed around some cloth diapers for us to feel and spoke about the benefits of cloth diapering. Husband and I have been planning on doing cloth diapering anyway, but more for the cost factor than anything else. We will use any disposables we are given, but don't want to have to go out and buy diapers after they run out. The extra benefits of being nice to the environment and less diaper rashes are just an extra perk. We bought a set of her cloth diapers since our supply is still low.

That was pretty much the end of the class, or what I remember from it anyway. We never did use the pillows and towel they told us to bring. Eventually we just stopped bringing them. We gave an evaluation of the educator and gave her pretty good ratings. I liked all of the classes except the first one, where I felt she was brand pushing. After that I liked how realistic she was and the stories she was able to share.

Childbirth Class #3

January 21, 2010
Three childbirth classes down, one more to go! These things are flying by, although they do seem to be getting more helpful. Tonight was all about the drugs that are available in labor. We broke off into groups again and each group focused on specific drugs. My group learned all about the epidural and then presented on it. Basically, all drugs have side effects, although they can be effective in pain management.

We also watched another childbirth video. In this one the woman was a lot peppier. I liked the first one better because you could tell the woman was in more pain. I don't want my husband getting the wrong idea about labor!